Der boreale Nadelwald hat rein gar nichts damit zu tun (2014)

Der größte Betrug ist: "Ich bin Du". (Q.: Dr. Steven C. Hayes, 50x60cm, spraypaint on glass; photo: Petra Graf)

Sei Teil von etwas Größerem als Du (NSA-Abhörstation, Teufelsberg, Berlin, 50x60cm, spraypaint on glass; photo: Petra Graf)

Die Freiheit der Andersdenkenden (50x60cm, spraypaint on glass; photo: Petra Graf)

Willst Du es im Leben immer leicht haben, so bleibe bei der Herde. (Q.: F. W. Nietzsche, 50x60cm, spraypaint on glass; photo: Petra Graf))

Size matters (50x60cm, spraypaint on glass; photo: Petra Graf)

Die Traurigkeit endet nie. (Q.: F. Gay, 50x60cm, spraypaint on glass; photo: Petra Graf)

My series of millimeter cuttings Der boreale Nadelwald hat rein gar nichts damit zu tun (The boreal coniferous forest has nothing to do with it at all) is a statement about the absurdity of artist's aims and expectations on the one hand and the ideas of what has to be an aim and expectation to outsiders.

The title is meant as a dadaistic phrase to cut off any stereotypical questions and to encourage a re-thinking of set stereotypes.